This blog is for the posting and discussion of Assignment 1

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Still Life Proposal - Heather

I am thinking of doing my still-lifes on the theme of one persons trash is another persons treasure. I would like to go find some garage/yard sales and find some objects that have their own personal/character and photograph those.


  1. What are the parameters of the personality/ character that governs your choice of objects? Why yard sales and not thrift stores or estate sales? Foreclosures?

  2. I'm thinking that I want to take items that are more out of the ordinary and that are something you don't see everyday. I was thinking of going to thrift stores also to see what I could find there.

  3. How do you wish to display these? Just on a simple back drop? Suddenly and idea comes to me, that with 'one persons trash is another mans treasure,' maybe you could display the 'trash' in your hands, better yet, someone else's hands. To show care, possession, and new ownership.

  4. Initially I was thinking of photographing them on a plain background, maybe seamless paper, and isolating them to give a reverenced feel to them. I do like your idea about displaying them in someone's hands though, that would communicate more of an aspect that these things were treasure at some point/and or are now treasure.
